Geomagnetic activity
broadcasts By Russ Edmunds. Originally published on National Radio Club
web site.
Geophysical Alert Broadcasts are aired at 18 minutes past each hour
over the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology radio
station WWV in Ft. Collins, Colorado and at 45 minutes past each hour
via WWHV on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. WWV broadcasts continuously
on shortwave frequencies of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz and WWVH
broadcasts on 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 MHz. The broadcast text is updated
every three-hours beginning at 0000 UTC. These broadcasts are produced
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space
Environment Services Center (SESC). This center operates a worldwide
network of sensors, which continuously observe conditions between the
earth and the sun.
We'll start by quoting the text of a WWV broadcast ( the text of these
broadcasts is also available on the Internet, but more on that later ).
Next, we'll look at the definitions of the terms in italics. Some of
these definitions are taken from those provided on the website, albeit
in some cases with some editing:
"Solar-terrestrial indices for 4 January follow. Solar flux 175 and
Boulder A-index 11. The Boulder K-index at 1200 UTC on 5 January was 0.
Solar-terrestrial conditions for the last 24 hours follow. Solar
activity was low. The geomagnetic field was quiet to active. The
forecast for the next 24 hours follows. Solar activity will be low to
moderate. The geomagnetic field will be quiet to unsettled."
Flux is a
measurement of the intensity of solar radio emissions at a frequency of
2800 MHz made using a radio telescope located in Ottawa, Canada. These
emissions have been shown to be proportional to sunspot activity, and
are also responsible for causing ionization in the earth's upper
atmosphere. These emissions produce the ionized 'layers' involved in
propagating radio signals over long distances. Solar flux is reported
in solar flux units (s. f. u.), which range from a theoretical minimum
of approximately 67 to greater than 300.
index is a 3-hourly "equivalent amplitude" index of local
geomagnetic activity; "Ap" is used to designate an equivalent planetary
value based upon multiple local-site readings. The "a" is derived from
the 3-hourly K-index.
A = 0
- 7 Quiet
A = 8 - 15 Unsettled
A = 8 - 15 Unsettled
A = 16 - 29 Active
A = 30 - 49 Minor storm
A = 50 - 99 Major storm
A =100 - 400 Severe storm
K index
is A 3-hourly
quasi-logarithmic local index of geomagnetic activity relative to an
assumed quiet-day curve for the recording site. Range is from 0 to 9.
K = 0 Inactive
K = 1 Very quiet
K = 2 Quiet
K = 3 Unsettled
K = 4 Active
K = 5 Minor storm
K = 6 Major storm
K = 7 Severe storm
K = 8 Very severe storm
K = 9 Extremely severe storm
Activity is a measure of energy releases in the solar
atmosphere, generally observed by X-ray detectors on earth-orbiting
satellites. Such energy is that which can or might be anticipated to
cause disruptions or degradations to radio propagation on earth. Large
solar x-ray outbursts can produce sudden and extensive ionization in
the lower regions of the earth's ionosphere, which can rapidly increase
signal absorption there. Occurring on the sun-facing side of the Earth,
these 'sudden ionospheric disturbances' ( SID's ) can degrade radio
communications for from minutes to hours. Since the sun rotates once
approximately every 27 days, periods of disruption may recur at about
this interval as a result.
Following are some
additional definitions included in these reports as indicated by
conditions at the time relating to Solar Activity:
Active. Solar activity
levels with at least one geophysical event or several larger radio
events per day
Proton Flare. Any flare producing significant fluxes of
protons in the vicinity of the earth.
Quiet. Solar activity levels with less than one energetic
event per day.
Solar Flare. A sudden eruption of energy on the solar disk
lasting minutes to hours, from which radiation and particles are
emitted. This is one type of energetic event, which can subsequently
result in increased geomagnetic activity.
Geomagnetic Field. The
magnetic field which surrounds the earth where auroral conditions may
result from specific types of solar activity.
Geomagnetic Acivity. As an overall assessment of natural
variations in the geomagnetic field, six standard terms are used in
reporting geomagnetic activity. The terminology is based on the
estimated A index for the 24-hour period directly preceding the time
the broadcast was last updated.
So, what the previous broadcast told us would be: Solar flux is about
average, the A-index indicates average conditions. The K-index of 0
suggests that conditions might be improving. The sun was relatively
inactive during the preceding 24 hours, which indicates that no major
disturbances are likely the following day, either. The geomagnetic
field conditions were variable during the preceding period. Predicted
solar activity continues to suggest no disturbances, although the
geomagnetic field will continue to be variable. These are very ordinary
conditions, with the immediate next few days likely to show a slight
Below are some additional definitions of terms used in the broadcasts
as conditions warrant:
Solar Wind is the outward flow of solar particles and magnetic
fields from the sun. The velocity of the solar wind often increases
dramatically as a result of certain solar energetic events. This in
turn can spark increased activity in the earth's geomagnetic field, or
even aurora.
Sunspot Number is a
daily index of sunspot activity.
As a predictor of future conditions, remember that it takes roughly
three days for activity on the sun to create an adverse effect on
earth, and that the best Trans-Atlantic DX conditions are produced by
several successive days of A indices below 8, and no values over 30
within the past 2-3 weeks. On the other hand, heavy activity on the sun
doesn't always lead to disturbed conditions. Disturbances are less
likely when they are produced by sunspots or sunspot groups located
near the edges of the sun's disk ( or face ).
As we noted
earlier, you can access the text of
the current
transmission via the Internet as well as by broadcast. The URL for this
From this page, select the option for "Latest Geophysical Alert Message
- WWV Broadcast". More detailed information can be found under the
options for "Report of Solar & Geophysical Activity" and "Solar
& Geophysical Activity Summary".